From Me to You
Composer(s) : Lennon and McCartney
Year : 1964
Alan W. Pollack 's "Notes On" From Me to You
Selecteer gewenste toonaard :
Oorspronkelijke toonaard: C
Getoonde toonaard:
m m
m 7
If there's anything that you want; if there's anything I can do,
m 7 m
just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you.
m 7
If there's anything that you want, like a heart that's, oh, so true,
m 7 m
just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you.
m7 7
I got arms that long to hold you and keep you by my side.
7 7 +5
I got lips that long to kiss you and keep you satisfied.
m 7
If there's anything that you want; if there's anything I can do,
m 7 m
just call on me and I'll send it along with love from me to you.
m +5 m
To you, to you
In respect to this song McCartney himself voiced it this way in an interview with Mark Lewisohn (1988: 10):
"... that middle eight was a very big departure for us. Say you're in C then go to A minor, fairly ordinary,
C, change it to G. And then F, pretty ordinary, but then it goes [sings] 'I got arms' and that's a G minor.
Going to G minor and a C takes you to a whole new world. It was exciting."
The new world, McCartney here is referring to, not only implies an expansion of the chord material for the
composer, but also an extension of the semantic scope of the writer of the song lyrics. Turning the subdominant
into the tonic can be used to signify a retreat into the inner self.
Ook op Past Masters, Vols. 1:
Ook op Anthology 1:
Ook op 1962-1966:
Ook op On Air - Live At The BBC Vol 2:
Ook op 1:
(c) 2024 Serge Girard